Sunday, October 18, 2015

Action Verbs for Learning Objectives

At the end are some action verbs for your lesson plans:

1st - Create a stem - After completing the lesson, the student will be able to....
After this unit, the student will have .....
By completing the activities, the student will .....
At the conclusion of the course/unit/study, the student will .....

2nd - Add the verb

3rd - Determine the actual product

Sample:: After completing the lesson, the student will be able to listen for the purpose of following directions.

After completing the lesson, the student will be able to explain the meaning of the words ...

After completing the lesson, the student will be able to summarize the plot of ....


Action Verbs:
abstract, activate, acquire, adjust, analyze, appraise, arrange, articulate, assemble, assess, assist, associate
breakdown, build
calculate, carry out, catalog, categorize, change, check, cite, classify, collect, combine, compare, compute, contrast, complete, compose, compute, conduct, construct, convert, coordinate, count, criticize, critique
debate, decrease, define, demonstrate, describe, design, detect, develop, differentiate, direct, discuss, discover, distinguish, draw, dramatize
employ, establish, estimate, evaluate, examine, explain, explore, express, extrapolate
identify, illustrate, implement, improve, increase, infer, integrate, interpret, introduce, investigate
limit, list, locate
maintain, manage, modify
observe, operate, order, organize
perform, plan, point, predict, prepare, prescribe, produce, propose
rank, rate, read, recall, recommend, recognize, reconstruct, record, recruit, reduce, reflect, relate, remove, reorganize, repair, repeat, replace, report, reproduce, research, restate, restructure, revise, rewrite
schedule, score, select, separate, sequence, sing, sketch, simplify, skim, solve, specify, state, structure, summarize, supervise, survey, systematize
tabulate, test, theorize, trace, track, train, transfer, translate
update, use, utilize
verbalize, verify, visualize

List from Education Oasis

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