Saturday, May 12, 2012

Writing - levels, process, evaluation, peer editing

This is material from one of the places I worked - it was created over 10 years ago, but I think it is still useful.

Writing Exit Criteria for Each Level

Level 0
Descriptor: Overall Intermittent Writer
General Characterization of Student Writing: can write recognizable words and phrases, and simple sentences, little cohesion, low accuracy, difficulty in understanding the message conveyed unless the topic is familiar to the student.

At the completion of the level the student is able to:
- use basic vocabulary on a small number of different topics (orthography is often inaccurate)
- construct short simple sentences and answers to questions on general topics
-fill in simple forms (bank, job application etc.)
- write short simple messages on familiar topics
- write a short personal letter/note expressing one idea (e.g. requesting information,    congratulating)
- list and organize vocabulary and ideas on a topic and write sentences or in some cases a    paragraph on the topic
- write appropriate captions for a strip story
- read a peer’s written product and discuss points of interest, ask one or two relevant questions    for further information or to clarify meaning

Concentration: vocabulary building, development of simple svo sentences and possibly compound sentences, writing class stories or paragraphs together on experience charts to exemplify sentence/paragraph structure, introduction of pre-writing activities to generate ideas and vocabulary (pair/small group discussion, wh questions)

Possible Project: bulletin board displays

Level 1
Descriptor: Limited Writer

General Characterization of Student Writing: Produces a string of sentences bearing on the topic with little interest and weak logical structure; writes with increasing accuracy and comprehensibility, but still with several grammatical and lexical inaccuracies, some of which impede comprehensibility.

In addition to abilities at the lower level, the student is able on completion of this level to:
- fill in forms that require more than basic personal information
- recognize the difference in form and style between short written business and personal communication
- combine two or three simple sentences to express the same idea in one complex sentence
- use basic sentence structures and vocabulary on a limited number of topics with ease
- write short notes and messages on general topics clearly and accurately
- write a paragraph with a main idea, topic sentence and conclusion
- write a lead paragraph and headline for a newspaper article using wh-questions
- write chronological and descriptive single paragraph accounts of a series of pictures
- provide feedback to peers on the comprehensibility and organization of their paragraphs

Concentration: the paragraph and development of information for an audience using description, chronological order, process and stating and supporting and opinion;  focussed work on the topic sentence and use of specific detail; further development of pre-writing activities such a free-writing, looping, diagrams; gaining knowledge of logical connectors and transition words used for particular modes of development

Level 2
Descriptor: Overall Marginal Writer

General Characterization of the student as a writer: Students should be able to write a basic paragraph quite comfortable.  A message of some length or complexity may not be fully conveyed and there will be gaps, and deficiencies in treatment. Presentation is lacking in fluency. There may be poor layout, use of paragraphs and use of cohesive devices. There is little style or appropriate use of idiom. A variety of errors in usage, marginal standards in spelling, and punctuation may be present.

In addition to the abilities outlined at the lower levels, the student at the end of the term should be able to:
- understand the characteristics of formal vs informal writing
- understand the basic rhetorical patterns but may not employ them effectively
- write a well organized chronological paragraph
-write to satisfy elementary practical writing needs by communicating simple facts and ideas but may lack detail
- write simple autobiographical information in essay form (approximately 3 paragraphs)
- write a short review of a book or movie
- provide feedback to peers on the comprehensibility and logical structure of their writing samples

Concentration: the paragraph, its organization, use of examples and details to add interest, expanding the use of basic rhetorical patterns (the addition of comparison/contrast, cause/effect, classification)

Level 3
Descriptor: Modest writer

General Characteristics as a writer:
Although broadly conveying the message, the structure and flow of the work is somewhat lacking in coherence. It may lack use of effective idiom. The work may lack interest and style and have some errors in usage. Occasional awkward constructions and spelling sometimes cause problems, but still allows the facts to emerge.

In addition to the abilities outlined at earlier levels, the student at the end of the term should be able to:

- write a well organized and detailed paragraph using a variety of rhetorical patterns
- write a short, formal report and accompanying business letter
- construct a sequence of three or four paragraphs using a statement of the main idea and basic supporting ideas
- paraphrase simple sentences
- write short summaries of articles from newspapers or magazines
- take notes on a short talk and produce a summary
- expand on abilities to provide peer feedback, develop skills at editing their own products

Concentration: development of fluency and interest in use of rhetorical patterns studied, development of cohesion within paragraphs; expansion to multiple paragraphs with a basic understanding of the organization of an essay (introduction with thesis statement, body paragraphs and conclusion).

Level 4
Descriptor: Modest - Competent Writer

Characteristics of the student writer:
The message is broadly conveyed with some gaps and/or redundancies. The writing flows reasonably well. Format and layout are acceptable with only occasional inaccuracies and inappropriacies. Transitions are not always smooth. Usage, spelling and handwriting conform fairly well to accepted norms.

The student is able at the end of the term to perform the tasks described at the lower levels, demonstrating greater range of vocabulary and sentence structures . The student has been exposed to the different forms of essay writing using various rhetorical patterns (e.g. chronological, descriptive, classification, cause/effect, comparison/contrast) The student is competent in the use of the process writing method and in addition is able to:

- understand the basic conventions of paraphrasing and quoting sources
- understand the concepts of library research, use of note cards and referencing in a research    paper using the DALS Style sheet
- write a basic thesis statement and develop the composition accordingly
- form a basic but logical argument which stems from the thesis statement
- work from a general topic, using brainstorming (networking, linking or treeing) and organizing     ideas into appropriate rhetorical patterns
- draft, write and edit work that contains few grammatical errors using a range of sentence      structures
- proof read their own and others’ work with a useful degree of accuracy
- produce longer reports and essays and is able to integrate material from sources into an essay
- write freely on personal preferences, daily routines, everyday events, and other topics grounded    in personal experiences

Concentration: the essay and practising and then utilizing note taking skills, paraphrasing and summarizing of material to essays to substantiate their own arguments

Project: a major research paper

Level 5
Descriptor: Competent Writer

General Characterization of the student’s writing: Message is effectively conveyed on a suitable scale. Presentation is clear and completely covers the topic using a logical outline. Layout is clear and the flow is maintained. The use of cohesive devices is good and the style appropriate. Grammar, spelling and vocabulary are generally accurate with a minimum of errors.

The student is able to perform the tasks from earlier levels with a fair amount of ease. Ability to write thesis statements, essays, outlines, summaries and paraphrasing from level 040 continue to improve. The student can also:

- compose clear statements of opinion on a broad range of issues providing detailed support
- write summaries of articles from newspapers and magazines and differentiate facts from     opinion/interpretation
-write a short formal report
- provide useful feedback for the work of other students with regard to organization, content and    accuracy

 Project: Major Research Paper

The Writing Process
Step 1 - Pre-writing - e.g. brainstorming, free writing, interviewing, listing, taking notes, observing, questioning, drawing pictures or diagrams

Step 2 - Writing a first draft - Putting ideas on paper without worrying about being perfect.

Step 3 - Feedback
Peer Review – Students read each other’s drafts and exchange ideas or ask questions to help one another improve the content and organization of the draft. May be useful to provide a checklist for this.
Teacher Feedback -Draft is read by teacher who makes suggestions or asks questions.

Step 4 - Revising – Draft is improved with the addition of ideas and information, and the development of vocabulary and writing style.

Step 5 - Editing - Writing is checked for spelling, grammar, punctuation, format and other mechanical problems.

Step 6 - Final Draft – Revised and edited material is rewritten and handed in for evaluation.








Final Draft

Possible cycle of the writing process:

Monday – introduce the topic; brainstorming, begin first draft
Tuesday – write first draft
Wednesday – peer review
Thursday – focus on grammar and editing, begin writing final draft
Final draft due following Monday

The time spent completing this process will vary according to the level and pace of your class.

Evaluation Categories

In-class Assignments and Quizzes:

This category has quite a bit of weight.  It is intended to assess students’ learning without assistance and feedback from the teacher or others and without the opportunity to take the writing home to work on.  The mark can be broken down into a number of assignments e.g. 6 quizzes at 5 marks each or 3 @ 10 marks each.

Tasks should be writing tasks e.g. if the class has learned to write a process composition, one could give an in-class assignment of the same nature to see if the students have absorbed the concepts taught and can write a process composition without assistance from the teacher.  The task can be broken down into steps with marks assigned for each step but the marks for the steps should reflect the effort and time involved.  For instance, a brainstorming diagram might be 5 marks, an outline 7 marks and the composition itself 25 to 30 marks.

A writing quiz should test writing ability not reading or understanding of the meta-language.

** One quiz about a week and a half before each exam is suggested in order to be realistic in the number and length of tasks given on the midterm and final exams.

Homework Assignments:

These tasks are those that are produced through a process that allows students to work on the assignment in class and also at home.  This could be done using a portfolio concept or each weekly writing assignment could be marked using the same value and then those marks averaged for the final homework grade.

Exam Guidelines:

1.  Test what you have taught. Also, it is a writing exam. This means that the majority of the time and marks should be based on writing tasks. Where possible, especially at the lower levels, include the process in the tasks. Keep the marks minimal for such things as brainstorming as it is prep for the writing task.
2.  Read the instructions you have written for the students. Are they clear and straightforward? “Underline” or “bold” information that could be missed and is crucial. E.g. Choose one of the following topics.
3. Think carefully about the length of time required for each task.
4.  Each task on the exam should indicate the marks allotted for it. The number of marks should be related to the time and knowledge needed to complete that task.
5. Be fair. Be sure that the students know your criteria for any marking categories. If they have become familiar with your criteria as you mark homework, it is useful to use a similar method to mark the writing tasks on an exam or quiz. This makes it easier to justify your mark if students come with questions/complaints about the mark they received.

Participation and Progress

It is important to have a system of tracking class participation e.g. daily notations on the attendance sheet or a weekly grade for participation.  Attendance is required and not really an indication of participation in a class. Obviously if they are absent, participation would be 0 for that day.  Progress can be charted through assignment improvement or a portfolio of materials assessed at the end of the term.  Students can be involved in the process of assigning this portion of the mark or not as you see fit. The important issue is that you have evidence to support the grade given.

It is extremely important that you make decisions with regard to the marking and inform the students at the beginning of the course.  It is not necessary to mark every composition produced by a student, but it is important that they get some form of feedback for tasks done and that enough is marked to assist them  to improve and be prepared for exams/quizzes.

Peer Review Checklist: Paragraph Writing                      

1.     Is there a topic sentence?

Topic _____ Focus _____ Grammar _____ One Sentence _____ Interesting _____

2.     Do all of the supporting sentences support the topic sentence?

(Is there any information that does not belong in this paragraph?)

3.     Are the sentences in logical order?

4.     Did the writer include transition words to guide the reader from one idea to another?             I.e. First of all, secondly, for example, finally, etc.

5.     Is the first sentence indented? Is the paragraph continuous?

6.     Are there examples and illustrations to explain the details more fully?

7.     Are there any obvious spelling or grammar errors?

8.     Does each sentence begin with a capital letter and end with a period?

9.     Is there a concluding sentence?

Restates topic/focus _____    Interesting _____

Peer Review Checklist: Essay Writing

  1. Does the first sentence get the reader’s attention?
  2. Is there some background/general information related to the topic?
  3. Is there a clear thesis statement?
  4. Does the thesis statement include three main ideas in parallel form?


  1. Does each paragraph have a topic sentence and a concluding sentence?
  2. Does each paragraph contain only one main idea?
  3. Is each idea related to the topic of the essay?
  4. Are the body paragraphs in the same order as the ideas stated in the thesis?
  5. Is each main idea developed with a variety of support? (examples, facts, statistics, etc.)
  6. Are the body paragraphs in a logical order? (i.e. From weakest to strongest)
  7. Are transition words used throughout the body paragraphs?
  8. What rhetorical structure is used throughout the essay?
Is it used correctly?


  1. Does the paragraph move from the general to the specific?
  2. Are the main ideas summarized using different words than appear in the body?
  3. Does the conclusion end with a memorable or interesting statement?
Write at least two comments to help your partner improve his/her essay.

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