Friday, February 8, 2013

Excellent CV outline from

This excellent CV builder is from:   

                                                                                                                                 PHOTO HERE

You need to attach a professional photo to the top right hand corner of your CV. E.g shown. Erase anything highlighted yellow. They are instructions and hints. Do not use abbreviations – spell it out and define your terms the first time you use them.
Curriculum Vitae

Your Name Here
Your address, phone numbers, personal email address   

Skills (Use this section to list your skills and abilities like Special Needs experience, any IT skills, Sporty abilities, languages spoken, special training, specialty subjects, and/or other attributes like enthusiastic, calm, academic, etc.) Things you want to draw attention to!

·        Skill 1
·        Skill 2
·        Skill 3

Education (List the most recent first and unless you are a Teaching Assistant, don’t list primary/secondary school. Only College/Uni. If you got honours or awards, list them. Use example below as guide but obviously delete my example. Remember to consistently list your dates in order “from”-“to”. ) If you are a US/Canadian teacher list your certification here

From    To                    Degree, Institution, Main subjects

9/86 – 6/99                  Masters in Education, University of Manchester. Thesis “The Role of Parental Involvement in Speech Development”
9/82 – 6/86                  Bachelor of Education, Oxford University. Specialization in Early Years and Special Educational Needs (SEN) Hons (2.1)

Courses and Training  (Use this section to list any further relevant training or courses you have taken that are not a part of your degree work.)
·        Course 1 Description
·        Course 2 Description

Teaching Experience (list the most recent first. List it in the order: Title (i.e. Design and Technology teacher, or if you are doing day to day supply just call it Supply Teacher),Curriculum taught, School and location, then the duties you had and subjects you taught. Remember to list any extra responsibilities. Keep each job description to no more than 6-8 lines unless you had many special responsibilities. Remember the dates are (mm/ yy – mm/ yy). Don’t switch the order halfway through – a common mistake. Gaps in any post qualification work history need to be explained and we do not accept CVs with only years listed, we require mm/yy. Finally, explain any acronyms you use – they vary worldwide.
1/00 -Present              Supply Teacher. NSW Australian Curriculum. Select Education.  Day to day cover for primary and secondary schools. Longer term assignments included 4 weeks in Year 3 at Smith School, an academically rigorous independent school, and 4 weeks in Year 6 at Jones School, a challenging school in Special Measures. Worked with SEN students with BEH (Behavioural)  and SLD (Severe Learning Difficulties).

9/99-12/99                   KS1 Teacher UK and IB PYP Curriculum. John Smith Primary School, London. Taught Year 2 class for a maternity leave cover in a challenging inner-city primary school.  Handled planning, Standardised Test preparation, parent-teacher visits. Organized and coached the Korfball team.

Other Work Experience If you are an experienced teacher, don’t list menial jobs you did pre-qualification as they will not be considered relevant. Some countries eg. the Middle East are particularly averse to teachers who have done lots of bar work. Do include experience working with children, teaching, or any work in a school setting – these  are definitely relevant.

7/81-8/82                     Camp Counsellor, Kings College Summer Camp. Worked for 2 summers at Kings College, a camp for disadvantaged children. Responsible for a group of 9 children aged 5 to 15 with various behavioural and emotional difficulties
Marital Status/Dependents:  
Any other relevant information

List 2 professional references. Usually they will be your manager – Head of Department, Deputy Head, Head Teacher, Principal etc.  Include name, title, address, school phone, school email and if possible, school fax. We do not accept personal contact details for referees as they cannot be verified.
 Make sure you ask your referees beforehand!
We will not contact your referees without asking you first.


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